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Self-Exclusion Option

Vivawin.co offers a self-exclusion feature that allows you to close your account for a period of up to five years. Your account will be deactivated only after your self-exclusion request has been fully processed and verified. Once activated, you will no longer be able to access gambling services on Vivawin.co.

Setting Limits
If you wish to impose any restrictions on your online gambling activities, you can contact us at info@vivawin.co. This includes setting specific limits to help manage your gambling behavior.

Duration of Limits
Any limits you set on your account will remain in effect for the selected duration. Once the specified period ends, you will regain access to our services and can resume your activities.

Responsibilities During Exclusion
During the self-exclusion or cool-off period, you should not attempt to create a new account. Vivawin.co is not financially responsible and cannot be held accountable if you continue gambling by using a new account under a different name or address. In rare cases, an account may be reactivated before the self-exclusion period ends.